quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010

St. Patrick's Day

O dia do padroeiro da Irlanda. Comemoremos sua vida santificada... bebendo cerveja.

O feriado era, inicialmente, no dia 17 de Março, e foi comemorado pela primeira vez em 1996. No ano seguinte, durou dois dias. Nos anos que se seguiram, eram realizados três dias de festa, e desde 2006, são quatro dias comemorando e bebendo muita cerveja.
Feriado que também poderia ser chamado de "Dia Intrnacional de Beber Guinnes"  pode até ser uma data meio esquecido no Brasil (e por que seria diferente?) mas alguns Irish Pubs tradicionais como o O'Malleys ainda comemoram, servindo inclusive cerveja verde. É, eu sei.
Se bem me recordo, fica claro naquele filme com a Julianne Moore e o Pierce Brosnan , Leis da Atração, que, ao menos na Irlanda, tudo pode acontecer durante o St. Patrick's Day. ;)

St. Patrick's Day - John Mayer #nowplaying

Here, comes the cold.
Break out the winter clothes
And find a love to call your own.

You...enter you.
Your cheeks a shade of pink
And the rest of you in powder blue.

Who knows, what will be?
But I'll make you this guarantee...

No way November will see our goodbyes
When it comes to December it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone at Christmas time

In the dark, on the phone,
You tell me the names of your brothers
And your favorite colors...I'm learning you.

And when, it snows again
We'll take a walk outside
And search the sky, like children do
(I'll say to you..)

No way November will see our goodbyes
When it comes to December it's obvious why.
No one wants to be alone at Chrismas time.

Come January, we're frozen inside.
Making new resolutions a hundred times
February won't you be my valentine?
And we'll both be safe till St. Patrick's day.

We should take a ride tonight around the town
And look around at all the beautiful houses.
Something in the way the blue light's on the black night

Can make you feel more
Everybody it seems to be,
Just wants to be, just like you and me

No one wants to be alone at Christmas time
Come January we're frozen inside
Making new resolutions a hundred times.
February won't you be my valentine?

And if our always is all that we gave
And if we someday take that away
I'll be alright...if it was just till St. Patrick's Day.

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